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Saturday, October 13, 2018


In this article you can find about richest person of united state.

TOP 5 Richest Peoples of United State, TOP 5 Richest Persons
Bill Gates

1. Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the brain behind the Microsoft together with his co-founder Paul Allen, is the largest computer software company worldwide as reported by Forbes. He is currently the wealthiest individual on this planet; he is also an author having written number of books. Bill and his wife Melinda have actively been involved in charitable activities through their foundation known as the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, their net worth rests at 81 billion dollars.

TOP 5 Richest Peoples of United State, TOP 5 Richest Persons
Jeff Bezos

2. Jeff Bezos

He is the founder of the world largest online store. The American tech premier also has interests in media field and aerospace hence he has also acquired the Washington Post newspaper and founded Blue Origin, an aeronautical company. He lives in Seattle and according to Forbes magazine. His net worth 67 billion dollars.

TOP 5 Richest Peoples of United State, TOP 5 Richest Persons
Warren Buffett

3. Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is considered to be one of the smartest investors of our time. The man is the largest shareholder in Berkshire Hathaway, which is a multinational company also known as the wizard of Omaha. Warren is also political enthusiast and most recently he endorsed democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for president. He has been named among the wealthiest people in the world as well as one of the most influential. His net worth is 65.5 billion dollars

TOP 5 Richest Peoples of United State, TOP 5 Richest Persons
Mark Zuckerberg

4. Mark Zuckerberg

Everyone knows him as the genius that co-created Facebook, the social media platform that took the world by storm. He is an alumnus of Hvar university and together with 4 of his college mates, they founded Facebook from the comfort of their dormitory rooms the social media site grew rapidly and soon became a way of connecting the whole world. Mark Zuckerberg is also considered as one of the world's most influential person. His net worth currently amount to 56 billion dollars.

TOP 5 Richest Peoples of United State, TOP 5 Richest Persons
Larry Ellison

5. Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison is the founder of Oracle Corporation. He is impressively the 5th richest in the world according to Forbes magazine in America alone he comes in at number three in the list for the wealthiest individuals in that country. Oracle is a database company; the business genius owns two military jets which he is certified to fly. Larry is one of the world generous person as he has donated nearly 200 million dollars to research on cancer treatment and also other charities. His net worth is a staggering 49.3 billion dollars.

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